Although some institutions such as TU Delft are front-runners, other smaller institutions are just getting started. In 2014 the Education Ministry issued a strategic agenda stating that by 2025 all teachers should share their learning materials. Robert Schuwer, independent consultant and former UNESCO Chair of OER, provided an overview of open education in The Netherlands where the government has supported a range of OER initiatives and stimulation grants since 2006. Scott highlighted lack government mandates and funding as a barriers to engagement with open education and suggested that real impact would come through the government adopting the Scottish Open Education Declaration and using it to mandate that resources created with public funding should be shared openly to benefit everyone.īoth Scott and Stuart highlighted the OER policies adapted and adopted by the University of Edinburgh and UHI as a prime example of open education collaboration. Scott Connor, Digital and Open Education Lead at UHI’s Learning and Teaching Academy, outlined UHI’s strategic commitment to open education which is underpinned by an OER Policy and a framework for the development of open educational practices. Short of having government level commitment and policy, Stuart suggested we need to provide opportunities for people to come together to share practice and to encourage institutions to work together. Stuart highlighted the important role of committed people who have pushed the open agenda within institutions. Stuart Nicol, Head of Educational Design and Engagement at the University of Edinburgh, acknowledged that while it’s disappointing that there hasn’t been more support from Scottish Government, there has been a support for open education at a number of institutions, including the University of Edinburgh. Open Scotland Plenary Panel by Tim Winterburn. Each member of the panel was invited to briefly share their thoughts on future directions for Open Education, before we opened the discussion to the floor. Campbell, Open Scotland and University of Edinburgh Scott Connor, UHI Maren Deepwell, ALT Stuart Nicol, University of Edinburgh Robert Schuwer, consultant and former UNESCO Chair on Open Educational Resources Joe Wilson, Open Scotland and City of Glasgow College. The closing plenary panel of OER23 brought together open education practitioners from within Scotland and beyond.

You can read Joe’s summary of the workshop here: Open Scotland Reflections on Pre-Conference Workshop. Joe has already written up our pre-conference Open Scotland workshop, which brought together around 40 colleagues, in person and online, to discuss key challenges and priorities. To mark 10 years of the Open Scotland initiative, Joe Wilson and I ran two events as part of the OER23 Conference at UHI in Inverness, which provided an opportunity for members of the education community to reflect on how the open education landscape in Scotland has evolved over the last decade, and to discuss potential ways to advance open education across all sectors of Scottish education.