Sometimes they wished to bring devastation to a benevolent community or destroy some being of good and at others their machinations were a net positive for the multiverse, such as the defeat of a fiend or rival hag coven.
The schemes of hags were patient, their webs of manipulation wide, and their understanding of mortal vices, as well as how to manipulate them, great. īaba Lysaga, an ancient hag capable of love.

These could be lewd jokes or comments at their expense or more threatening asides about various means with which they could be harmed, and by no means were hags hesitant to make good on these statements if made to lose their tempers. Like cantankerous grandmothers, hags viewed those younger than themselves with opinionated stubbornness, freely and bluntly saying whatever idea came to mind. In the event that a hag was acting friendly, or at the very least ambivalent, it was important to remember that hags ultimately didn't care about the thoughts or desires of anyone but themselves. Whether obtained from dark divinations, arcane pacts or from other hags, their knowledge was fearsome and made them even more dangerous than they would be otherwise. Making them even less understandable was that hags were keepers of forbidden knowledge that would be better off forgotten, although fortunately they were greedy beings and so typically kept it to themselves. Unpredictable Įven to immortal beings, hags could be unfathomable in their decision-making and it was almost impossible to predict how they would act at any given time, much less during any given day. Despite embodying that which was horrible and brutal in nature, they still disrupted the natural order, for hags were miserable creatures of scorn and hate that did evil purely for evil's sake. Their reversed sense of value extended to aesthetics as well, for hags were known to relish their moral and physical ugliness, as well as the horror that they evoked, and be disgusted by the beautiful to the point of disfiguring those who were attractive. To simply call them evil was itself an understatement petty, avaricious, conniving, merciless, abhorrent, and oppressive simply scratched the descriptive surface. They were representatives of malice and malignancy, paragons of corruption who took unbridled joy in creating misery and misfortune for the virtuous and content. Soot from "A Brush with Evil: On Hags" Įvil was at the core of what defined hags, an inextricable part of their identity. Regardless of what guise they donned or act they put on however, such impersonation would always be superficial, because the physical forms of all hags were merely reflections, the twisted moldings of the ugliness in their own hearts. Almost all types could take on the forms of regular old ladies, but some could appear to be attractive youths, diminutive giants and even vaguely humanoid animals like bears. However, if a hag needed to not invoke utter disgust, they could magically disguise themselves, the exact limits of their illusions being specific to different types. They were also known to augment their actual bodies, such as by sharpening their teeth to make themselves more fearsome, picking at scabs to produce weeping sores, and otherwise exacerbating their deformities with nurturing attentiveness.
They would modify their clothes with bits of gore and refuse, wear bits of skin and bone, spin cloth from innards and put all manner of litter in their hair, and those were only the things they would wear. In fact, hags were very concerned with their appearance, taking steps to ensure they were at their worst by rubbing filth onto their clothes and accessorizing their gross garb with gruesome decorations. Normally hags wore simple clothing like those of female peasants, if more ragged and dirty, but not for a lack of interest in their appearance. Long, frayed hair ringed their creased faces, but even though their faces were heavy from their malice, the glimmer of sly villainy could still be seen in their eyes. Their long, skinny fingers were tipped by talon-like nails as tough as steel and as sharp as blades, and their mouths were filled with sharp, blackened teeth and noxious breath. Generally, hags looked like crooked crones, wrinkled and withered women of unsightly appearance with blotchy skin marred by warts and moles.

Hags were almost universally unique in their exact forms and mannerisms, but there were typically common physical traits between them.